A few kind words from clients

“Skyler's passion for self-awareness and human development has clearly guided him on a path of research and practice that reflects in his work as compassionate grounded wisdom. The space he holds for me feels safe, spacious, and guided by a confident and educated devotion to my greatest good and ultimate well-being. 

As a devoted self-awareness practitioner and transformational artisan, I highly recommend Skyler as a guide and powerful resource for your journey into deeper relationship with self, healing, and transformation.”

-Ty Clark

“Skyler holds a very loving, skilled and compassionate space. In session with him, I feel beautifully supported by his grounded, caring presence and his open -hearted curiosity. I felt a level of trust that allowed me to access and connect with tender places inside and to bring my inner-world into greater harmony.”

-Luca Cupery

“The past few years I have been committed to personal growth, acknowledging my beliefs and past trauma, and learning to be more trusting of myself. With the guided practices and prompts Skyler led I was able to easily feel and go into different states of inward connection. It was exactly what I needed to work on, allowing me to feel a profound connection with my true self.

Accessing the depth of my subconscious mind while completely sober was simply amazing. I felt honored to experience this accessible way of growth, which can be learned by anyone. I am truly grateful to Skyler for bringing this practice to the fore.”

-Sunita Gupta

“It was refreshing to make progress in that area that had remained stuck for so many years. I specifically noticed a lot of progress in addressing and reducing my long held beliefs that cause me to feel ashamed of myself.  I have a new compassion and understanding of my behavior patterns, recognizing them as “adaptive strategies” that I formed when I was young to navigate circumstances I did not have the power to change. 

Now, I feel empowered to unwind those old strategies within myself. I would recommend these sessions to anyone who wants to face their internal space honestly and make personal changes for their own betterment and the betterment of those around them. Sky held a solid container that really helped me to be able to face those parts of myself I had long avoided. With his help I found that I have nothing within myself to fear or be ashamed of.”

-Erik D

“I feel very safe and supported by Skyler. We went into the heart of one of my most intense/difficult memories… and I was not once overwhelmed. We moved slow and steadily. It was beautiful. In each progressive session I feel more and more love, compassion, understanding, and empathy for myself and my parents. Somatic therapy is amazing.  I notice distinctly that I am more present, patient, and understanding with my husband and children as well.”

-Hannah Grace

“In my experience, the quality of a therapist is heavily dependent on the quality of their presence. From the moment I met Skyler, I felt immediately at ease, listened to, and encouraged by him. Even when he challenges me to look at aspects of my life that are painful and hard to be with, I can still sense the supportive purpose that motivates his words and draw upon that for strength.

For me, just being with Skyler is a healing act. 

So, if you want someone to help you feel more connected with yourself, other people, and the world at large; if you want someone to help you become the version of yourself that you know is possible; if you want a therapist who is genuine, kind, smart, insightful, and 100% unflappably in your corner: I can’t recommend Skyler enough.”

-Bryce Lupoli